

The Gates of Human Design

Oracle Deck

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Our 78 Full-Color Oracle Cards offer a unique way to tap into your inner wisdom and gain guidance on your personal journey.  The easiest way to learn human design! The artwork on each card captures the essence of each gate. With the accompanying booklet & deep dive eBook, you’ll have all the information you’ll need to fully understand the intricacies that make you energetically YOU. Whether you’re an experienced practitioner or just starting out, these cards are a powerful tool for self-discovery and growth. Experience the benefits of connecting with your intuition in knowing yourself completely in order to live the life you dream of living.

Sample the first Gate here!


Human Design Book

human design book - learn human design

Learn Human Design with the Oracle Card Deck

HD.OS : the Gates of Human Design Oracle System card deck – Order your limited edition at our Print Mystic Studio on Etsy!

  • PRINTED 78 Full-Color Card Deck & 8 page saddle-sewn “cheat sheet” Gates booklet in lux box.
  • DIGITAL EPUB of the Comprehensive Inner Guidebook & Workbook.


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Oh my goodness — I wish I had found this sooner (but that’s a 3 line for ya, lol). After reading all the standard human design books, taking several courses, and listening to podcasts (basically everything HD I could get my hands on) for a year, I gave up. I was inundated with info and yet I felt like I just wasn’t “getting it.”

I stepped away from actively learning about it for a few months. Then when I heard about this new approach from a friend, my interest in HD was re-sparked, and I thought “Well, maybe… maybe THIS will be the one.”

And spoiler: It was.

I ordered the oracle deck, the book, the tapestry… and everything started clicking in for me. I love how the author pulls together all the pieces and organizes them so there’s a lot of info about each gate condensed into just a few pages. I had been considering creating a spreadsheet to keep track of and easily reference things like the circuitry and gate strategy and the associated astrology sign, but I didn’t have to! Because the author did it for me — and much more beautifully.

And it’s not just the contents of the book that I love but how it’s written: simply and unpretentiously. I went from slogging through the traditional sources that felt like biology text books to wanting to stay up late to read just one more chapter (and one more… and one more…) with this book. It’s fun, funny, and reads like I’m hearing about it from a friend.

I also love how actionable it is — it’s not just a dump of information that can be easy to get lost in like the traditional books. The author gives real life suggestions for how to activate the gate energy, questions to reflect on, and amazing additional resources that you can access by scanning a QR code right on the page! I’m telling you, the information this book contains is worth much more than the cover price.

And since I’m a tactile person, playing with the oracle cards helps me retain the meaning of the gates in a way that just reading it hadn’t. It helps me connect with and ground in the information in a way that sticks. I don’t know why it works so well, but it does. It’s like magic!

Anyway, as someone who has loved but struggled with learning human design, I can tell you you’ll save a ton of time and trial and erroring if you start here.

Rachael M.

Human Design Courses

Human Design Crash Course Library

Decode Yourself Human Design Course

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $47.00.

Easily Learn Human Design

Cameron M.
Cameron M.
Verified ownerVerified owner
2 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

I am slowly taking in all the information! This is great, Thank you Wynd for making human design easier for the rest of us!

10 months ago
Ariel Norbern
Ariel Norbern

Love this poster! It's an visual and stunning showcase of the human design bodygraph centers. Helpful if you're into astrology, human design charts, or inner work!
It has helped me learn human design better.
I hang it using a magnetic bamboo wall hanger I got from amazon.

1 year ago
Suzanne Jenne
Suzanne Jenne
Verified ownerVerified owner
2 years ago
Suzanne Jenne
Suzanne Jenne
Verified ownerVerified owner
2 years ago

Human Design Tools

Planetary Gates EBook & Digital Workbook


Themes of Consciousness Poster – Digital Download


The Human Design Oracle System Card Deck: HD.OS – Intuitive Human Design Guide – Oracle Cards and Human Design Intuition Guidebook

human design oracle book and divination cards


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High Vibe Print Collection

Human Design BodyGraph Poster | Human Design Chart Print

Themes of Consciousness Poster

Themes of Consciousness Canvas Gallery Wrap – Spiritual High Vibe Scale

Galactic Bodygraph Wall Tapestry – Human Design Chart Fabric Art

human design bodygraph wall tapestry

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