Human Design Podcast
Human Design
In Real Life Podcast
Want to learn how to optimize your life through living your Human Design? Join Wynd every week as she speaks about thought provoking topics designed to expand your mind into new realms of possibilities. If you’re a spiritual self-development seeker on your path of awakening, and you’re looking for down-to-earth & inspirational stories designed to guide you into higher levels of consciousness utilizing your Human Design, this podcast is for you.

Episode Guide
In-Depth Human Design Topics:
A deep dive into the “Human Design In Real Life Podcast”. Perfect resources if you’re a visual learner and want to expand your knowledge of human design.
Poverty Vow Annulment
The following is a suggested practice. Feel free to tailor any language or physical elements of this experience to suit your beliefs. Create a circle of food offerings in wild nature where animals would have the opportunity to eat your offerings, illuminate the space...
5 Traits of Human Design Manifesters
Are you a Manifestor looking to live in alignment with your human design? How do you make the most of your unique energy as a manifestor? Human Design Manifesters have the largest aura of all the types, making them the energetic fire-starter who starts things so that...
Understand Your Sacral Chakra as a Generator in Human Design
Are you a generator or manifesting generator in human design? Then your sacral chakra is an essential part of your identity. The sacral chakra is the second chakra and is all about life force energy. It's about your desires, creativity, and movement. The sacral chakra...
Are You A Manifestor in Human Design?
If there was one thing to tell any human design manifestor, it's COMMUNICATION! You’ve got at least 1 of the four motors connected to your throat with a direct channel (and if you’re new, you’re probably like “ what in the world is she talking about?”) Don’t worry,...
Three Things Every Manifesting Generator Needs to Know
Every Manifesting Generator needs to know these three things about their Human Design Manifesting Generator Tip Number One: As a manifesting generator, you are a combo type, you are part human design manifestor and part generator, two very different strategies....
Extraterrestrial Origins of Human Design (Is Human Design Alien Extra-Dimensional?)
Does Human Design come from extraterrestrials? Are alien, ET extraterrestrials the architects of the Human Design System? Questioning the actual origins of human design is common. This Holistic Human Design in Real Life podcast...