Type & Strategy Masterclass

  • Course level: All Levels



These introductory courses start you out with the most fundamental information you need to access your ideal Strategy for your Type. Your Aura Type is your overall encompassing energy, and is instrumental in learning to live in alignment with who you are on a core level.
Like building blocks, our courses are designed to keep stacking information into your consciousness, first with a strong foundation utilizing practical real life examples for you to relate to, and experience first hand how these mechanics play out in life.
This course is designed to make this abstract information digestible, grounded, relatable, and easy to understand, complete with interactive elements to further support your process in your own self discovery.


Topics for this course

16 Lessons04h 10m


How Your Energy Flows00:16:58
How to Live in Alignment00:12:02
Transcending Low Vibes to High Vibes00:16:15


Manifesting Generator



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