Holistic Human Design Crash Course

Easily Understand Your Human Design!

This easy to understand Human Design Crash Course makes understanding yourself with Human Design 1000x easier!

You might resonate with this…

When it comes to understanding yourself through Human Design, and maybe even your spiritual awakening…

You are literally overwhelmed by the amount of information out there, and let’s be honest, Human Design books are like text books, and kinda boring. You may be asking, “how can I use this to discover who I am? I wish I could make these books come to life, and have someone who could help me interpret the info.”

You got a Reading, and it was amazing! But since then, the information didn’t quite stick as well as you’d like, or “has left the building,” and you’re wanting to integrate understanding your Design deeper into your life, but you don’t know where to start. 


You may find that learning through Social Media is only scraping the surface of information, and you still feel like you’re still missing pieces to the puzzle.

You got a little sticker shock by the crazy expensive $$$ price tags of learning to become a Human Design Chart Reader, but you’re still not sure if want to do this professionally & all you want to know is how to use this map for your own self discovery and soul alignment. You may even already have a coaching practice and you’re wondering how to apply this information to help your existing clients.

Let me tell you, you’re not alone!

Yes, Human Design is a complex system, but it’s not rocket science!

You just need a course to help you synthesize the information in such a way to make the knowledge fun, practical, accessible, and easy to understand.

You’ve been told that…

  • living your Design & deconditioning will take years (up to 7!) to complete

  • It’s super complex, that this information isn’t for everyone, and that only certain people are advanced enough to grasp the knowledge

But that is simply not true…

What you really need is a Guide to break down the information for you into digestible pieces & give you some action steps to ground the information into your daily life. 

I started living my Design naturally…

for 6 years… without even knowing this information exists…

I want to show you how easy it is to embody your Design.

I tried living life as a Manifesting Generator

I went through the trial and absolute failure of trying to live another Design, and it didn’t turn out well. It’s definitely a memorable story.

Saturn Return Kicked my a**

I experienced a spiritual awakening in 2010 that shot my consciousness light years into the future, and made me reevaluate how I was creating my life by encouraging me to start my life over from scratch.

I stopped resisting the flow

I accidentally, & rather haphazardly discovered my success through the art of the invitation. I got tired of “paddling up stream,” and built myself back up from ground zero, which led me to the success I have today.

Imagine when this complex system is no longer a mystery!


You’ll know you’re strengths, have greater clarity on your soul’s mission here on Earth, and be able to trust more in living as a passenger in the flow of your life!

What you’ll learn

You get the whole enchilada!

So much is covered! This course is ideal for you if you want to take a wide angle view of the entire Human Design system.

Strategy & Authority of the 5 Types

We cover all 5 Types – Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, Manifestors, Reflectors – what you need to know if you are one, or if you know one and how to best support each Type. Also, a brief overview of each of the 7 Authorities.

What is the Shadow Self & Tools to Navigate

Traditional Human Design teachings talk about the “Not-Self,” or what we like to call Shadow Self tendencies. What is the Shadow from a psychological perspective? How does this show up in Human Design? What can we do about it? You’ll learn all that and more, specifically for each Type.

Overview of All the Elements of Human Design Mechanics

Planets, Gates, Centers, Profile, Lines, Channels, Black Personality Conscious & Red Design Body Unconsious aspects, and Arrows. We cover it ALL! You’ll learn how each part interacts with each other, what you can interpret from each, and make sense of your Design through all the interconnecting pieces.

Healthy & Unhealthy Expressions of All The Centers, both Defined and Undefined

The Centers illuminate how each of us flow within our design, and what areas are in and out of alignment. Module 5 goes into depth of each Center and what you can interpret in your chart and how it currently mirrors your life.

BONUS * Interactive Meditations & Body Awareness Practices

The Human Design Chart details your energetic architecture, but only through conscious awareness scanning within your body are you able to make changes in how your energy flows. Essentially, bringing your consciousness into your body helps you become aware of its innate intelligence. Included is a Body Scan, Yoga Nidra Audio, and Life Purpose Guided mediation to assist you in tapping into your body-mind-spirit consciousness field. Change your thoughts, change your life!

What People Are Saying

“I can’t recommend this course highly enough!
If you’re looking for a great, in-depth understanding of Human Design that also encompasses and speaks to the spiritual aspect of our design, this is it. The workbook and the meditations help tie everything together and anchor it into the body.
Wynd is engaging and she makes the material very accessible, not to mention that her energy and enthusiasm are contagious!”

Linda I.

I am an astrologer, engineer and a lover of learning the multiverse’s infinite conversations.

I absolutely love this course!! It is methodically structured to facilitate building your awareness in the mechanics of human design. Wynd beautifully unfolded the  human design concepts within the 6 modules.  Also, each module provides great resources such as, an ebook, workbook, human mapping and much more. I highly recommend this if you need an in-depth introduction to human design.

5/5 Stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Patty M.

Here’s What’s Waiting for You Inside


Module 1 - What Human Design Can Do For you

What exactly can this information provide for you? Learn all about the possibilities of how your life may transform with this introductory 22 minute video.This is essentially the beginning bookend of the series to illuminate all the possibilities of what you can understand about yourself and others with Human Design.


Module 2 - Strategy & Authority

This is a crash course on all the differing 5 Types & Authorities all in one place! This 45 minute video covers what each Type (Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Reflector & Manifestor) needs in relationships with themselves & others and also offers insights as to what you can do to support these different Types in your life!


Module 3 - Low Vibe / High Vibe

This 29 minute video covers the basics of navigating Shadow Self (aka. Not-Self) tendencies, how we use the Themes of Consciousness to transcend the lower expressions we display, and also what each Type can look out for and take not-self themes to a higher octave. This module is all about transcendence.


Module 4 - Mechanics Overview

We cover Gates, Centers, Profile, Lines, Channels, Arrows, Unconscious & Conscious aspects of the chart are addressed! So easily digestible, this 90 minute video goes over the nuts & bolts of the system. You’ll learn what each part represents and how to start to notice them in your life.


Module 5 - Connecting with your body

This is where all the action happens! You’re now aware of all the nuts & bolts, how does it apply? This Module has 3 videos: one 112 minute video that covers the healthy/unhealthy expressions of each of the Centers (aka. Chakras), one Body Scan audio & one Yoga Nidra audio to get your consciousness connected to your body, and one Life Purpose Guided Meditation audio that guides you through your incarnation cross (1st two pages of your workbook). Also included is a Gates EBook & Digital Fillable Workbook.


Module 6 - Tying It All Together

Now what? This 25 min bookend video covers all the possibilities of what you can do next in order to continue on your self discovery journey. This information is designed for you to start noticing the pattern in your life and in those around you. Ra Uru Hu would always say, “this is an experiment!” Now that you have a general understanding of all the elements, you can now witness the mechanics in action. See what you discover in your life!

Discover Yourself

End the overwhelm! End the confusion!

Know where to begin to discover yourself with everything Human Design has to offer you!

What’s in this Enchilada? (aka. Crash Course)

4.5 Hours of Videos

PDF slides for each video Module

Gates EBook

Digital Fillable Gates Workbook

Body Scan Audio

Yoga Nidra Audio

Life Purpose Guided Meditation Audio


Who this is for:

You want to stop feeling stuck & step into your own power to change your life from the inside out.

You've had a spiritual awakening, and are looking for guidance from a mentor who has walked the path and can support you to expand in a trustworthy safe space.

You believe in God, a Higher Power, your Higher Self, and that is paramount to who &/or what supports you in your life.

You are already interested in alternative ways of perceiving reality and are looking for a logical and grounded way to describe yourself in your life.

You’re open-minded, interested in self discovery, and are looking for ways to better yourself & your life, and you're ready to be proactive & self-empowered.

You're looking for a Netflix replacement & want to have an interactive experience, learn new things, and grow within yourself.

You believe there is more to life than what our five senses inform us of and tell us what's "real."

wynd human design coach

Aloha! I’m Wynd

I’ve been on the path of awakening from a very early age (18 months). I live and breathe everything from healthy living to grounded, down-to-earth woo (with having a few detours here and there). Eh, I am human after all; a Spirit having a human experience.

I work with people who are looking for guidance on their journey to navigate their lives in flow with their soul. 

I create experiences that incorporate teachings with real life grounded application, so you learn to embody your design and have a direct experience with the knowledge.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with learning Human Design, and you know that it would be helpful for you,  I make learning super easy & digestible so you can take the information, apply it immediately to your life, and experience the internal transformation you’re looking for.

© Holistic Human Design 2024

All rights reserved